Gardens and Forests Arka Nature of Participation:Garden Minimum Commitment:2 weeks Auroannam Nature of Participation:Creation of Kipaak 12 petals sit out garden Minimum Commitment:2 weeks Botanical Garden Nature of Participation:Physical on the garden & Nursery Minimum Commitment:1 week Center Field Forest Nature of Participation:Forest, weeding, pruning Minimum Commitment:4 weeks Forecomers Nature of Participation: Building and forest maintenance Minimum Commitment:2 weeks Pebble Garden Nature of Participation:Vegetable garden and forest Minimum Commitment:2 weeks Revelation Forest Nature of Participation:Forest -, orchards and nursery maintenance, eco building. Farm, building maintenance, park, green education. Minimum Commitment:One week Sadhana Forest Nature of Participation:Reafforestation Minimum Commitment:4 weeks from December to March, 2 weeks from April to November. Transformation Home Stay Nature of Participation:Vegetable garden Minimum Commitment:4 weeks Vérité Nature of Participation:Garden Minimum Commitment:1 day